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Marx scientist or prophet? Recent studies on Marx
di Francesco Saverio Trincia



Three books, published over the last five years, represent the starting point for a new way to approach the thought of Karl Marx. For the first time in the history of marxology, the scientific aspect of the though is revealed by these books. The issue concerning the fact that only now, after almost a century and a half after Marx’s death, scholars are beginning to discover the importance for a serious analysis of the great thinker’s work, may, at first glance, appear to be a simple one, when in fact it opens up for discussion on a deeper issue regarding the fact that a kind of systematic deformation, distortion, simplification, rough practical utilization of the thought of Karl Marx took place in a way that had never before occurred in the history of philosophy. There is no simple way to explain this phenomenon. Nobody has ever had the goal to destroy Marx or treat his thought in a superficial manner. There is a specific reason for what happened and for what makes the publication of certain books the first serious effort to study Marx sine ira et studio, “without anger and without positive or negative prejudice”.  What these books have in common is not  a specific interpretation of Marx (that they in fact interpret in different ways) . The   question discussed here concerns the meaning of the matter of fact that these books are published “after marxism”, that is after the end of the  soviet communism and of the marxist offical ideology of almost all the communists movements in the world.



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Conferenza tenuta alla Duquesne University di Pittsburgh, USA, su invito di Tom Rockmore.


PUBBLICATO IL : 15-05-2006
@ SCRIVI A Francesco Saverio Trincia - rivista elettronica registrata - ISSN 1827-5834